Clubs & Organizations

Academic Decathlon - Ms. Dreher - Rm. 23-6
Description: Academic enrichment organization focused on competing in a yearly thematic competition in ten academic events: art, music literature, history, science, economics, math, essay, speech, and interview.

ASB (Associated Student Body) - Mrs. Chamberlin - Rm. 15-2B
Description: ASB provides leadership in student life and culture, such as dances, clubs, academics, athletics, finances, school-wide rallies, holiday events, and Seniors for the students at Hawthorne High School.

AVID - Ms. Dreher - Rm. 23-6
Description: College support program designed for students, especially those in the middle, who might not tradi- tionally attend college.

Asian Cultural Club - Dr. Kwong - Rm. 23-2
Description: A group of students who come together and gain awareness of the Asian continent, its cultures and ways of life.

Band - Mr. Hughes - Rm. 2-3
Description: The Hawthorne Band has a long tradition of excellence, providing a thorough education in group performance, individual instruction, music theory, performing at concerts and festivals, and giving all students the opportunity to showcase their talents.

CBI    Ms. Figueroa - Rm. 5-1
Description: Promotes Community field trips, specifically for those in Special Education.

Choir    Mrs. Devlin - Rm. 2-4
Description: The Hawthorne High School Choir Club is a service club with emphasis on education and training for music students who share their talents in school and the community.

CSF    Ms. Deutschle - Rm. 11-2
Description: The California Scholarship Federation is an organization that provides assistance to students in applying for Scholarships for entry to a four year university.

Drama Club - Mr. Farkouh - Rm. 22-3
Description: Prepares and performs plays for the school. This club is open to all students interested in any aspect of performing arts including behind the scenes activities.

ELD College Club - Mr. Le - Rm 20-1
Description: The ELD College Club is an informative club designed to help students who are enrolled in the ELD program to learn more about higher education and the college application process.

E.E.S. (Emergency Environmental Services) - Ms. Mukul - Rm. 6-5
Description: The purpose of E.E.S is to spread awareness to students and the community of environmental prob- lems that are inflicting upon our society.

Friendship Circle Club    Mr. Whitley - Rm. P1
Description: A new club to the Hawthorne community, the Friendship Circle Club helps and participates in activi- ties with Special Needs kids.

Gay Straight Alliance - Mr. Bowler - Rm. 8-2
Description: Gay-Straight Alliance Network is a youth leadership organization that connects school-based Gay- Straight Alliances (GSAs) to each other and community resources through peer support, leadership development, and training.

Habit For Humanity    Mr. Hoang - Rm. 16-1
Description: Advocating safe, decent, and affordable housing for all.

Improvisation Band - Mr. Rice - Rm. 20-2
Description: Students learn how to play jazz music, which includes the playing of melodies and improvising (soloing). Students play various instruments, which include woodwinds, brass, drums, percussion, keyboard, vocals, guitars and bass.

Key Club - Mr. Tejeda  Rm. 23-4
Description: A student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving Others. Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and Communities.

Knights and Diconians - Mr. Hoang  Rm. 16-1
Description: In conjunction with Rotary International, we have a longstanding pledge of service to the commu- nity. Rotary’s global volunteers work to improve the quality of life for all people. Through Rotary and its organiza- tion, Hawthorne’s Knights and Diconians / Interact Club members are given the opportunity to partake in humani- tarian and educational programs serving the local and international communities.

Lego Club - Mr. Elstad - Rm 19-1
Description: The lego club learns by experiences, collaborates with classmates and thinks creatively to come up with unique solutions.

Mixed Martial Arts - Mr. Elstad - Rm 19-1
Description: is a full contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling techniques, both stand- ing and on the ground, including boxing, wrestling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay Thai, kickboxing, karate, judo and other styles.

Muscle Club    Mr. Bowler - Rm. 8-2
Description: The Muscle Club spends each and every lunchtime pumping iron and working to improve physical fitness, health and overall physique.

NHS - Dr. Zurbano - Rm. 16-5
Description: The National Honor Society is an organization that is based on scholastics, service, character, and leadership.

NJROTC - Chief Martinez/Chief Yancy - Rm. 15-7
Description: The NJROTC mission is to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment.

Poetry Club    Ms. Ashwell - Rm 23-9
Description: The Poetry Club is a group of creative students who workshop, share and perform their poetry to the school and community. Whether its lyrical, rhyme, free form, or performance, all types of poetry is allowed, dis- cussed and encouraged.

Polynesian Club - Ms. Price - Rm. 11-6
Description: A club open to students of all ethnic backgrounds, grades 9-12, that recognizes and brings aware- ness to the various Polynesian and Pacific Islander cultures and ways of life.

Pep Squad (Cheer)    Ms. McClaren - Rm. 17-3
Description: Open to all grade levels, the Pep Squad cheers at all football and basketball games as well as other school events.

Renaissance - Mrs. Givens - Rm. 8-4
Description: Renaissance is an incentive program designed to promote and recognize academic achievement, regular attendance, punctuality and good behavior by students. The program also honors specially-nominated students and staff who distinguish themselves.

Robotics - Mr. Pacheco - Rm. 15-3
Description: Robotics is the science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, and application. Robotics requires a working knowledge of electronics, mechanics and software, and is usually accompanied by a large working knowledge of many subjects.

Yearbook - Mr. Bowler - Rm. 8-2
Description: The yearbook focuses on covering a wide variety of topics from academics, student life, sports and other major school events into the annual commemorative book.